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Scleroderma is a disease of unknown cause that affects the connective tissues of the skin and various organs. Common symptoms include thickening and tightening of the skin, Raynaud’s phenomenon (a condition characterized by an exaggerated reaction in the fingertips to cold exposure), joint pain (especially in the fingers and knees), heartburn, calcium deposits under the skin, and telangiectasias (mats of enlarged small blood vessels). Scleroderma can lead to serious complications, such as fibrosis of the lungs, heart, and kidneys; for this reason, medical supervision is essential. There is no cure as yet for scleroderma, although drugs may be used to alleviate the various individual symptoms of the disease. Treatment may include consideration of the following:

Supplement Considerations

High Potency Multiple Vitamin and Mineral
A high potency multiple vitamin and mineral should contain boosted levels of antioxidants that may help to slow the progression of this disorder, as free radicals have been implicated in the disease process.

Additional Supplement Considerations

Gotu Kola

60 mg, twice daily (std to 100 % total triterpenoid content). Gotu Kola contains active constituents that have been helpful in a variety of skin disorders and some have used it in regards to scleroderma

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