Omega-3 Fat Supplementation Lengthens Telomeres and Reduces Inflammation: Human study finds
James Meschino DC, MS, ROHP
A remarkable human study published in 2012, in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, showed that overweight, sedentary adults, who were givena daily omega-3 fattysupplement, realized a lengthening of their DNA telomeres and reduced blood markers of inflammation and free radical damage, compared to subjects given the placebo.
Telomeres are short fragments of DNA that act as caps at the end of the DNA in each of our cells, and can be likened to the protective plastic tips at the end of a shoelace. Every time a cell divides, the telomere shortens slightly. Once the telomere reaches a critical level of shortening the cell is much more prone to be converted into a cancer cell, stop functioning, and/or is associated with increased risk of other degenerative diseases. Thus, re-lengthening of telemores is an important finding that is linked to prevention of cancer, reversal of the aging process and possibly prevention of various degenerative diseases. Omega-3 fat supplementation is one a very few agents ever shown to re-lengthen human telomeres in-vivo. In this study researchers examined immune cells in human subjects, witnessing a re-lengthening of immune cell telomeres. This is truly remarkable.
The study also showed that overweight, sedentary individuals who took the omega-3 fatty acid supplement had reduced blood markers of inflammation, namely inteukin-6 (IL-6), which was 10-12% lower that than the placebo group. The omega-3 fat group also showed 15% less oxidative stress compared to the placebo group, as measured by the presence in the blood of F2 isoprostanes (a blood marker for free radical damage).
Of interest is the fact that the placebo supplement was a comprised of a mix of oils representing a typical American’s daily fat intake. The group given the placebo fats exhibited a rise in inflammatory markers (IL-6) of 36% during the study period, illustrating the inflammation-promoting effect of the standard North American Diet.
The study included 106 adults, average age 51 years, who were either overweight or obese and lived sedentary lives. The study population was disease-free and reported very little stress. The researchers excluded people who were taking medications to control mood, cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as vegetarians, patients with diabetes, smokers, those routinely taking fish oil, people who got more than two hours of vigorous exercise each week, and those whose body mass index was either below 22.5 or above 40.
In general, the findings of the study suggest that simply taking a supplement containing sufficient omega-3 fats (1250 – 2500 mg) each day may significantly reduce inflammation, oxidative stress and re-lengthen telomeres. This combination of effects have been shown to have important implications in the prevention of cancer, heart and cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, and may improve the management of a variety of inflammatory disorders (e.g. arthritis), and slow the aging process in general.
I personally take 3 capsules per day of a supplement that yields 800 mg of omega-3 fatty acid oils per capsule – providing a total of 2400 mg of omega-3 fat oils per day. This research provides evidence that omega-3 fats may be even more important than previously reported, especially in regard to re-lengthening telomeres – that is really noteworthy.
I explain the overall benefits of omega-3 fat supplementation in chapter 2 of my book: The Meschino Optimal Living Program.
Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser, Martha A. Belury, Rebecca Andridge, William B. Malarkey, BeomSeuk Hwang, Ronald Glaser. Omega-3 supplementation lowers inflammation in healthy middle-aged and older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2012; 26 (6): 988-995 (