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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD and ADHD)

Essential fatty acids are required for nerve and brain cell development and function and to help suppress brain inflammation and support blood flow to key brain areas.

Supplement Considerations

High Potency Multiple Vitamin and Mineral

A high potency multiple vitamin and mineral should contain key levels of the vitamins and minerals required for the brain to make dopamine and other neurotransmitters involved in attention, focus and stimulation.

Essential Fatty Acids

An essential fatty acid should contain key levels of the vitamins and minerals required for the brain to make dopamine and other neurotransmitters involved in attention, focus and stimulation.

Additional Recommended Supplements

Mucana Pruriens

This herb contains L-Dopa, a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is often deficient in the brain of those with ADHD and ADD. This herb also contains other ingredients which may affect other brain neurotransmitters involved in alertness, focus and mood.

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