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Bloating (Post Meal)

Bloating after meals and/or indigestion can be symptoms associated with a serious underlying health condition. It is important to have a thorough medical examination to rule out this possibility. If no such abnormality is found then the condition may be caused by insufficient digestive enzyme secretion or sensitivity to certain foods. Eliminate or reduce the intake of foods that cause irritation. A clinical nutritionist or holistic practitioner trained in this area can be of help to eliminate troubling foods and correct digestive distress.

Supplement Considerations

Digestive Enzymes and Prebiotics

Digestive enzymes and probiotics should contain a full complement of digestive enzymes as well as prebiotics, which together support the function of the small and large intestine. Digestive enzymes help to fully break down food after each meal, preventing the build up of irritants in the gut that lead to post-meal bloating. Prebiotics promote the growth of friendly gut bacteria, which are important for the normal function of the large bowel as well as digestion, elimination and normal gut-immune function.

High Potency Multiple Vitamin and Mineral

A high potency multiple vitamin and mineral should contain dosages of nutrients required to support repair the cells of the intestinal tract.

Additional Considerations 

Bloating after meals requires a medical exam to screen for more serious intestinal or gynaecological (in the case of women) disorders.

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