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Raynaud’s disease is a condition caused by constriction and spasms of small arteries, primarily in the hands after exposure to cold. Frequently, white or bluish discoloration of the hands (and sometimes toes, cheeks, nose, or ears) will occur after exposure to cold or emotional stress. After the discoloration, the sensation of cold and sometimes numbness follows. If the affected digit is again warmed, then the blood supply returns to the area. Sometimes this is painful and there is a throbbing sensation. The cause of Raynaud’s disease is unknown. A condition called Raynaud’s phenomenon causes similar symptoms, but it is the result of connective tissue disease or exposure to certain chemicals. Affected individuals should avoid cold temperatures, dress warmly and use lined gloves if they must go out in the cold, avoid tobacco, emotional situations, and certain drugs.
Supplement Considerations
High Potency Multiple Vitamin and Mineral
A high potency multiple vitamin & mineral should contain boosted levels of antioxidants and B-vitamins that help improve blood flow (endothelial function).
An essential fatty acid should contain the perfect complement of essential fatty acids, which the body converts into prostaglandins that open up (dilate) blood vessels, improving circulation to the extremities.
Additional Ginkgo Biloba
80 mg, twice daily (std to 24% ginkgo flavones glycosides). Ginkgo Biloba has been shown to help patients with Raynaud’s disease, due to its ability to open up blood (dilate) vessels and improve circulation to the extremities
Additional Hawthorn
125 mg, twice daily (std to 5% flavonoid content). Hawthorn has been shown to help patients with Raynaud’s disease and other circulation problems, due to its ability to open up (dilate) blood vessels and improve circulation to the extremities